Services will be held online-only until further notice.

Preschool Ministry

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Nursery (Birth - 2 years)

We have childcare available for Laurel Ridge's youngest members during the 8:40, 9:50, and 11:00am services!

Our Nursery is staffed with caring and kind individuals who want your children to feel loved, safe, and comfortable while they hear about Jesus' love. Each adult is background-checked and loves working with Infants and Toddlers. 

Preschool (3 - 5 years)

In Preschool, kids learn about the Bible and Jesus' love through age-appropriate games, songs, and crafts. Every adult volunteer is background-checked and passionate about making our Preschool Area a loving, fun environment.

Transitional Kindergarten (TK) is still considered Preschool at Laurel Ridge. Children must be enrolled in Kindergarten and turn 5 before 10/1/2024 to move up to Kindergarten in the Children's Ministry. 

Frequently Asked Questions

What if my child is upset or inconsolable while I'm in service?
  • If your child is upset or needs you at any point, we will contact you! Your last name and the code on your child's Name Tag will be in the corner of the presentation screens in the Auditorium.

I'm not ready to drop my child off in the Nursery, where should we go?
  • We have a Family Room with viewing windows of the Auditorium (see photo). There are also speakers, so your family can experience a live Worship Service while your little ones stay close by.
Do I need to pre-register my kids before Sunday Morning?
  • You can pre-register your family to make check-in on Sunday a breeze! Click here to pre-register your kid(s). Or, you can pre-register them before any of the services on Sunday. Either way, we can't wait to meet you and your family!

Look below for fun activities to do with your preschooler!

Click "Parent Guide" buttons below for weekly activities, ideas, and more.

March 2

March   9

March 16

March  23

March  30