Services will be held online-only until further notice.

Let's GO!

We have some exciting news. Boomers' name has changed to SALT (Senior Adults Living Triumphantly)!

We have some activities to share for those who are 60 years and older!
Mark down these dates and get ready to have some FUN!

March 18, 2025: Bingo & BYO Lunch and Beverage
April 15, 2025: Potluck
May 20, 2025:  Restaurant
June 24, 2025: Games & BYO lunch and Beverage
July 15, 2025: Taco Bar
August 19, 2025: Ice Cream Social
September 16, 2025: Picnic
October 21, 2025: TBA
November 18, 2025: 5th Annual Thanksgiving Dinner
December 16, 2025: Christmas Potluck

*Unless otherwise noted, all activities will be at the church at 11:30 a.m..

Have questions?
Contact Raelene Munns or Jackie Coppin
or you can sign up  for the SALT group through the Community Group Page