Services will be held online-only until further notice.


7th-12th Grade

Welcome to The Ridge Student Ministries at Laurel Ridge.

Like and Follow us on Facebook!  
Wednesday Nights at the Ridge are back in session, 6:15-8pm.
Join in with the 7th & 8th Graders or 9th-12th Graders.  
Students should look forward to playing games, learning about God, and participating in discussion with kids their age.
We can't wait to see you there!

Sunday Student Community Groups are now at all 3 services: 8:40, 9:50, & 11am!

Middle School (7-8th grade) and High School (9-12th grade) Community groups are available *every week* during the 8:40, 9:50 and 11:00am services in Room 101.

In Community Groups, students meet with other people their age to dive into the Bible, ask questions, and learn more about the Gospel.

*Student Community Groups will break on these Sundays:
February 23, 2025, for Winter Camp, &
April 20, 2025, for Easter Sunday*


Children and Teen Baptism Class

When:  November 3, at 12:10pm

Where: Room 301

Who: Any K-12th grade student who would like to be baptized or learn more about Baptism.

All Children and Teens who wish to be baptized must take this class. If you have any questions, please contact Pastor Brandon at

7-12th Grade All Night Lock-In

Join us for an all-night party with The Ridge Student Ministries! This event is open to all students who have completed the 7-12th grade. A night full of silent disco, pizza, dodgeball, video games, and more!

When:  Friday, November 15, at 6pm to Saturday, November 16, at 8am.

Cost: $15 per student if you pre-register online by November 1, $20 at the door (online pre-registration closes November 1). If you bring a new guest, you both get in for half price. Any additional new guests are half price too!
All payments are made at the door the night of the event!

Please remember to bring a completed and signed Release Form/permission slip signed by parent/guardian and Student Conduct Form. Follow the link here:

Student Leadership

We have places for your students to serve God in the church.  As part of the ecosystem of the church, we want students to lead in other ministries, we want their opinions, and we want them to display ownership of LRCC because LRCC is their church too.  Serving in ministry also allows students to connect with others at church who are not their age, and the more connection points students have the greater the chance that they will continue to be a part of the church when they graduate from high school.  Encourage them to put their faith into action by getting involved in Student Leadership.  

Please e-mail Pastor Noah for more information on what Student Leadership is, and how to get your student plugged in.

Get Connected

Follow us on Social Media for information about upcoming events, pictures of The Ridge, resources for parents, and more!
Want to get involved in The Ridge Student Ministries?
  • We love adult volunteers! Contact Pastor Noah to learn more about our serving opportunities.