Services will be held online-only until further notice.

Schedule your baptism

If your child/teen would like to be baptized,  you may sign them up for the baptism class below or (recommended for grades 3 -12)  please email us for more details.  

Pastor Brandon will lead a  Child/Teen Baptism Class  at 12:10 PM, in Rm. 301,  on the following dates for any children/teens wishing to be baptized.  Please attend with a parent or guardian.

November 3, 2024

Adults who wish to be baptized need to attend one of the Next Steps classes or Baptism Class (if available).

Children's Baptism Classes 
If your child would like to be baptized, you and your child must attend a Children's Baptism Class.  
Please contact us if you have any questions about Children's Baptism.