Services will be held online-only until further notice.

Youth Winter Camp 2024

Join us for a great weekend of friends, fun, worship, games, and getting closer to God.

When:  Depart:  Friday, February 23, 2024; 10:30 AM
Return:  Sunday, February 25, 2024; around 5:30 PM
Cost:Total Cost:  $275
$100 deposit to hold spot. Due January 24th.
(Spots held on first-come, first-served basis.)
Final payment ($175) is due February 14th.
Deposit is non-transferable and non-refundable.)
Who:All 7th -12th graders


Pickup and Drop Off Location:
Laurel Ridge Church
2459 Laurel Road, Oakley

Camp Address:
Camp Sugar Pine
48478 Mill Canyon Road
Oakhurst, CA 93644

Payment:1.  Register and pay the deposit here.
2.  Or register first, then you can pay with cash or check at the church office
       9 AM - 2 PM, Monday - Thursday, or at Church, Sunday
       mornings or Wednesday nights.
Other stuff:  1.  Students will need to be released early from School on February 23th.
2.  Students should bring money for at least 2 fast-food meals.
3.  Permission slip details will be coming soon.
Questions:  Email Pastor Noah.  
Photo by Kezadri Abdelhak on Unsplash