
Services will be held online-only until further notice.

FAQ, Part 2

Marriage:  Sinking or Thriving?

If you would like to extend this over a week, you can easily do one of the points each day of your devotion.  Here is a printable version.
Open your group with a prayer. 
This is only a guide.  Pick and choose your points.
Fascinating question:
Is it possible to stay happily married forever?  In spite of the divorce rates as high as they are,  IS there still hope?
Q: Is THIS possible?  ______________________________________________________________________________
If so, why?  ______________________________________________________________________________________

1.  Most marriages start with the wrong foundation.
Q: List some of the wrong foundations:  ______________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________

2.  It has never been more DIFFICULT to stay in love BECAUSE:
   A. Very few people have been around HEALTHY marriages.
  Q:  Describe a healthy marriage:  _______________________________________________________________           ______________________________________________________________________________________________
   Q:  List some wrong models:  __________________________________________________________________            _____________________________________________________________________________________________
   B. THE BAGGAGE we have growing up.
   Q:  Would you be willing to share some of your baggage?  ___________________________________                ___________________________________________________________________________________________

3.  As you grow up, you need the following to have healthy relationships as an adult:  
    *  Respect, encouragement, comfort, security, support, acceptance, approval, appreciation,               attention, and affection

4. Our culture tells us if you're not happy, it's because you're not with the RIGHT person.
Q: Do you believe that is what the culture says?  _______________________________________________

5. KEY: Choosing the right person is part of it, but learning to be and BECOME the right person is the other part.
Q: Share some ways you are learning to become the right person and would you be wiling to share some struggles you are having to overcome in becoming the right person?  ____________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________

6. Jesus gives us the RIGHT FOUNDATION for a life-long romantic love relationship.
 John 13:34 - "A new command I give you: Love one another."
New means:  REMARKABLE
 Jesus makes what is normally a noun into a VERB.
 We think love is something you fall into like a pool and out of like a chair. Jesus would look at you and say, “ Are you loving her/him?”
Q: What would be some actions that you could start doing to love the other person like Christ? __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________
Where is a saying that says:  "You act your way into feelings"?
Q:  Would you be willing to share a time in which you did not feel like doing something, that you did anyway, and actually enjoyed it?  Keep it clean, LOL)?  ______________________________________  _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________

7. The foundation for staying in love is to make love A VERB.
John 13:34 - "A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another."
Q:  What are some of the ways Jesus has loved us?
Ephesians 5:21 - Submit to one another out of reverence for Christ.
Mutual submission means:  the OTHER PESON is the priority.
Could you list five ways you choose to submit to your spouse?
1.  ______________________________________________________________________________________________
2.  ______________________________________________________________________________________________
3.  ______________________________________________________________________________________________
4.  ______________________________________________________________________________________________
5.  ______________________________________________________________________________________________





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