on January 23rd, 2022
If you would like to extend this over a week, you can easily do one of the points each day of your devotion. Here is a printable version. 25 Day Church Challenge: Spiritual GrowthDevotional: To Connect with OthersDay 1:Question: What types of activities would you want to accomplish if you knew that you would die in just a few months. _______________________________________________________________... Read More
on January 15th, 2022
If you would like to extend this over a week, you can easily do one of the points each day of your devotion. Here is a printable version. Day 1Too often, followers of Jesus believe that worshiping regularly with other believers demonstrates maturity. Of course, that’s an important ingredient for growth. But it is not the mark of maturity.Others see themselves as mature because they are consiste... Read More
JONAH, Part 3
on November 13th, 2021
If you would like to extend this over a week, you can easily do one of the points each day of your devotion. Here is a printable version. Open your group with a prayer. This is only a guide. Pick and choose your points. ... Read More
JONAH, Part 2
on November 6th, 2021
If you would like to extend this over a week, you can easily do one of the points each day of your devotion. Here is a printable version. Open your group with a prayer. This is only a guide. Pick and choose your points. * DISOBEDIENCE: JONAH 1:2Jonah 1:1-2 - The word of the Lord came to ... Read More
JONAH, Part 1
on October 30th, 2021
If you would like to extend this over a week, you can easily do one of the points each day of your devotion. Here is a printable version. Open your group with a prayer. This is only a guide. Pick and choose your points. Jonah 1:1-3 - The word of the Lord came to Jonah son of Amittai: 2 "G... Read More
FAQs, Part 8
on October 23rd, 2021
If you would like to extend this over a week, you can easily do one of the points each day of your devotion. Here is a printable version. Open your group with a prayer. This is only a guide. Pick and choose your points. WHAT NEGATIVE LABEL FOLLOWS YOUR NAME?__________________ the ______... Read More
FAQS, Part 7
on October 17th, 2021
If you would like to extend this over a week, you can easily do one of the points each day of your devotion. Here is a printable version. Open your group with a prayer. This is only a guide. Pick and choose your points. Romans 7:15 - I do not understand what I do. For what I want to do I ... Read More
FAQ\'S Part 6
on October 10th, 2021
If you would like to extend this over a week, you can easily do one of the points each day of your devotion. Here is a printable version. Open your group with a prayer. This is only a guide. Pick and choose your points. Romans 7:15 - I do not understand what I do. For what I want to do I d... Read More
FAQ\'S, Part 5
on October 3rd, 2021
If you would like to extend this over a week, you can easily do one of the points each day of your devotion. Here is a printable version. The prudent act as if then is now; as if the future is the present. The simple respond as if tomorrow will always be tomorrow. Open your group with a prayer. ... Read More
FAQ\'s, Part 4
on September 26th, 2021
If you would like to extend this over a week, you can easily do one of the points each day of your devotion. Here is a printable version. Every time you make a decision, it is preceded by a series of questions. Sometimes you ask them out loud, sometimes you simply process them in your subconscious. We ask questions like: How much can I afford? What are the risks? How will this feel? How muc... Read More
FAQ, Part 3
on September 19th, 2021
If you would like to extend this over a week, you can easily do one of the points each day of your devotion. Here is a printable version. Open your group with a prayer.This is only a guide. Pick and choose your points.Q: How do you make decisions? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________... Read More
FAQ, Part 2
on September 12th, 2021
If you would like to extend this over a week, you can easily do one of the points each day of your devotion. Here is a printable version. Open your group with a prayer. This is only a guide. Pick and choose your points. Fascinating question:Is it possible to stay happily married forever? In spite of the divorce rates as high as they are, IS there still hope?Q: Is THIS possible? ______________... Read More